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Resources for Physical Health and Wellness

Massage and bodywork is like an athletic sport. It takes strength, stamina, flexibility, balance, coordination, and energy to deliver a day of massage. Develop your physical health and wellness with these resources. ABMP members can earn free CE hours for many of these activities in the ABMP Education Center (search for "Self-care" at to find these opportunities, or click the links below).

Video: Yoga for Back Health
Daily Sun Salutation
In this 10-minute video, yoga instructor and massage therapist Cindy Williams teaches six easy-to-do yoga poses that help massage therapists improve their back health to support long and healthy bodywork careers. Please note that no CE is associated with watching this video.
Video: Strength Training for Back Health
Strength Training for Back Health
In this 15-minute video, fitness coach Burt Henry teaches six easy-to-do exercises that help massage therapists improve their back health to support long and healthy bodywork careers. Please note that no CE is associated with watching this video.
Article: The Simple & Sensible Diet: Aim for Good Nutrition and Healthy Weight
The Simple & Sensible Diet: Aim for Good Nutrition and Healthy Weight
We need the nutritional energy to provide massage for clients, but good nutrition can be a complicated issue. In this Massage & Bodywork magazine article by Nick Tumminello, the author shares everything you need to know (and nothing you don’t) to eat in a simple, sensible, and realistic way. Please note that no CE hours are associated with reading this article.
Video: Get On the Ball! A Key to Injury Prevention
Get On the Ball! A Key to Injury Prevention
As a bodywork therapist, you already know that “the core” refers to three muscle regions located between the pelvis and the base of the ribcage: the abdominals, the pelvic muscles, and the lower back muscles. We’ll GET ON THE BALL to strengthen these muscles groups with fitness coach, Burt Henry, and discuss their relationship to posture and body mechanics.
Article and Video: Physical Fitness for Bodyworkers (5 minutes)
Physical Fitness for Bodyworkers
Physical fitness is vital to maintaining professional longevity in the bodywork field. The first step is to decide which tasks and activities are important for performing our jobs. Next, we must identify common issues or movement patterns that may be limiting our ability to carry out those tasks. Finally, we must seek out activities that help us maintain a healthy balance of flexibility, strength, and endurance so we can function optimally. Read the Massage & Bodywork magazine article and watch a 5-minute video to get you started. Please note that no CE hours are associated with reading this article or watching this video.
Article: The Importance of Sleep
The Importance of Sleep
Many aspects of self-care are important to sustaining a career in massage and bodywork. Sleep does more for our well-being than anything else does and it deserves some attention. Reap the benefits of a good night’s sleep through the strategies you’ll learn in this Massage & Bodywork magazine article by Jennie Hastings. Please note that no CE hours are associated with reading this article.
Article: Improve Your Digestion
Improve Your Digestion
As massage and bodywork therapists we know that our digestive system breaks down the foods we eat into nutrients our bodies need to fuel massage sessions. If we neglect our digestive health, our body could run into problems. In fact, signs the digestive system could use support include bloating after eating, erratic bowel movements, and lack of energy. This Massage & Bodywork magazine article by Jennie Hastings gives us easy self-care tips for improving our digestion. Please note that no CE hours are associated with reading this article.
Massage & Bodywork magazine: The Self-Care Issue (2 CE Hours)
Massage & Bodywork magazine: The Self-Care Issue (2 CE Hours)
Massage & Bodywork magazine promotes professionalism among practitioners and stimulates healthy dialogue about the field, while remaining mindful of the breadth of bodywork backgrounds, beliefs, and modalities. In this issue, learn the importance of self-care for career longevity, exercises to prevent back strain, ways to recharge between clients, how to build a business action plan, and what to do if you’re accused of an ethics violation, as well as info on spinal discs, suprascapular neuropathy, Alzheimer’s disease, facial muscles, and more.