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Organize a Study Party

Use ABMP’s Study Party Planning Form to organize and host a great study party. Learn a lot and have some social time, too!

Study Party Planning Form

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Organize a Study Party

Feeling the need for some fun, but need to study, too? One way to hit the books and also have some social time is to hold a study party. To be productive, you will want to set clear study goals and study activities, stick to a planned schedule, and carefully organize the event.

Study Goals and Activities

Determine reasonable study goals for your study party and carefully plan activities that help you reach those goals. Perhaps you have a big anatomy and physiology exam on the nervous system. Break down what you need to know and plan activities to help you learn. For example:

  • Activity 1: We will break up the nervous system chapter into equal pages and everyone will write five quiz questions based on their reading section.
  • Activity 2: Everyone will identify five terms in their reading section and write out the definitions of their terms on ABMP’s Vocabulary Form.
  • Activity 3: We will pair up to teach each other terms and answer each other’s quiz questions, and then rotate until everyone has partnered with everyone else and we feel we are ready for the exam.

Stick to a Planned Schedule

Organize the schedule and stick to predetermined time frames. Otherwise, your study party will turn into just a party and no one will be ready for the test. For example:

  • 1:00 p.m. Arrival. Everyone please be on time!
  • 1:00–2:00 p.m. Individuals complete Activity 1 and Activity 2.
  • 2:00 p.m.–2:30 p.m. Serve the food and relax with snacks.
  • 2:30 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Pair up and work on Activity 3. Pairs change every 20 minutes. When pairs have finished, use the remaining time to quiz each other.
  • 4:00 p.m. Departure time. People who want to hang out can stay for more food and a movie.

Carefully Organize the Event

The more carefully organized your event, the more likely you are to have fun and also learn the content you want to learn. For example:

  1. Invite the right people and don’t invite more than six or seven. If the group is too big, you’ll have difficulty keeping people on track. If you invite unmotivated classmates, they may not participate in learning activities and study will be compromised.
  2. Place someone in charge of the schedule.
  3. Place someone in charge of organizing the food, and managing food setup and clean up (e.g., plates, cups, a table where the snacks are arranged, etc.).
  4. Place someone in charge of making sure there are study supplies on hand (e.g., pens, paper, textbooks, a computer with an Internet connection, etc.).
  5. Place someone in charge of the study activities (e.g., this person explains the activities, the learning goals for the party, and helps keep activities on track).

With a little planning, you can host a study party and everyone will get some social time AND ace the next test! Download the Study Party Planning Form in the Picked Fresh section of this newsletter to help get you started.