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Step 5: Apply to Take the Test

Need some extra study help for your upcoming A&P class quiz? Ready to start studying for the national exam—the MBLEx?

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Step 5: Apply to Take the Test

Good news! The application process for the MBLEx is simple and straightforward. You don’t even have to wait until you have graduated to apply. However, once you apply and are approved to test, you must schedule and take the test within 90 days.

Action Item: Apply for the MBLEx and schedule your test by following the steps below.

1. Download the right documents

Go to the Federation of State Massage Therapy Boards at and download these items to your computer:

  • MBLEx Content Outline. This one-page document summarizes the content covered on the MBLEx.It can be found by clicking on the MBLEx link on the navigation bar running across the top of the website.
  • MBLEx Candidate Handbook. This is the primary source of information for people applying to take the MBLEx. It is regularly updated by the FSMTB and contains everything you need to know about the exam. The handbook can be downloaded from the FSMTB home page by clicking on the "Download the Handbook" link on the left side of the page.
  • MBLEx Application. Most likely, you will apply online and fill out the application in a digital format (it is easier and quicker). It is helpful to have a hard copy for review before you complete the online process. Both the online application and the paper application can be found by clicking on the MBLEx link on the navigation bar running across the top of the website, then choosing "Application Requirements".

2. Determine your readiness to test

Review the MBLEx Content Outline and make sure you feel confident that you know and understand each subject and topic delineated on the document. We discussed this document in detail and provided sample questions and content examples in an earlier newsletter, which you can review here if it is helpful.

3. Read the MBLEx Candidate Handbook

Sit down and read the handbook cover to cover. That’s right! Commit to reading the handbook cover to cover. You’ll feel more confident about the test if you have a big-picture view of the testing process. You’ll also know where to turn for information if something comes up (e.g., you have to cancel your test date at the last minute).

4. Apply Online

Review the MBLEx application form and make sure you understand the required information. Go to and choose "Application Requirements" from the MBLEx drop-down menu in the navigation bar running across the top of the website. Click the link and follow the directions. If you don’t want to apply online, you can also send in the printed and completed application using regular mail.

5. Give It 5 Days

FSMTB is fast! They will process your application and send you an Authorization to Test (ATT) via email after five business days. Please note that you must now schedule your test and take it within 90 days.

6. Watch for the ATT

Watch your email inbox for your ATT. The ATT includes information you need to register for your exam.

7. Schedule Your Test

Once you receive your ATT, you will want to schedule your test so you get the date, time, and location that best meets your needs. You can use the online scheduler at, or you can call their customer service line at 888-790-4892.

At ABMP, we know that taking the test can feel a little scary. Just remember, you’re close! You are very, very close to entering the massage profession and beginning your new career! Keep at it. You’ve got this! Remember, if you need anything, we’re here to help at 800-458-2267.