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Step 6: Understand Strategic Test Taking

Download a 10-question practice quiz with questions like those you will see on the MBLEx. Read this newsletter’s feature, “Understand Strategic Test Taking,” and get prepared to take the MBLEx!

Practice Strategic Test Taking

Step 6: Understand Strategic Test Taking

The MBLEx is 100 questions in length and is a computer-adaptive test. It poses questions in a multiple-choice format. Let’s discuss strategies for computer-adaptive testing and for approaching multiple-choice questions.

Computer-Adaptive Testing

On a computer adaptive test (CAT), you must answer every question in the order it is presented. If you don’t know the answer to a question, you should guess. Do not leave any questions unanswered. You cannot leave a question blank and come back to it later—you must answer it at the time it is presented. When you answer a question correctly on a CAT, the next question you see will be slightly more difficult. The difficulty of questions will continue to increase until you answer a question incorrectly. At this point, a slightly easier question will be offered. You must answer enough difficult questions to achieve a score that meets or exceeds the passing standard.

The scoring scale for the MBLEx is 300 (the lowest score you can get) to 900 (the highest score you can get). You must get a score of 630 or better to pass the MBLEx. Your results will be reported as PASS or FAIL with your numerical score. You will receive your official score at the test center upon completion of the examination.

Understanding Multiple-Choice Questions

A multiple-choice question begins with a stem, usually composed of a question or an unfinished sentence. Four possible answers are provided and you are expected to pick the one that is the best choice. In the example below, “B” is the correct answer.

Relaxin is best defined as:

  1. A hormone produced during pregnancy that causes carpal tunnel syndrome
  2. A hormone produced during pregnancy that causes the cervix and pubic symphysis to soften and lengthen
  3. A hormone produced during pregnancy that causes edema in the lower legs, ankles, and feet
  4. A hormone produced during pregnancy that causes arm and shoulder pain

Notice that the answers have a parallel structure. This means they start the same and are about the same length. Sometimes answers will occur in pairs. You might see “A” and “B” begin with “A hormone produced during pregnancy that …” while “C” and “D” begin with “A component of a cell that …”. If you know that relaxin is a hormone (even if you don’t know what it does) you would guess between “A” and “B” and immediately cross “C” and “D” out of your answer options.

The good news about multiple-choice questions is that the correct answer is guaranteed to be among the possible responses. You can score points with a lucky guess. Second, multiple-choice exams tend to emphasize basic definitions or simple comparisons, rather than ask students to analyze new information or apply theories to new situations. Therefore, an important preparation strategy is to know term definitions. By knowing massage therapy terminology, you will often be able to work out the correct answers to questions.

The challenging thing about the MBLEx is that it covers a diverse range of information. As we discussed in previous newsletters, the content is divided into eight very general subject areas, and the test bank is large. While you will only see 12 total questions related to Anatomy & Physiology, for example, they could come from any body system and they could cover a variety of details. Again, the key is to know terminology. This is your best bet for sorting through and working out questions.

Try this activity to better understand how multiple-choice questions work. Take a chapter of your anatomy and physiology textbook and work through the content. Write a question for every paragraph you encounter. Write in the correct answer, but then develop three additional answers that are wrong. Keep the structure of possible answers “parallel” as discussed above. When you write your own questions, you begin to learn how a test writer thinks, and this will help you better understand how to approach questions on the MBLEx strategically.

Action Item: Write a 10-question multiple-choice quiz to better understand the parallel structure of possible responses and how test writers identify appropriate testing information.

Strategically Approaching Multiple-Choice Questions

The first strategy to use when approaching a multiple-choice question is to cover up all of the possible responses on the computer screen with your hand. Carefully read the stem (the question or statement) and try to anticipate the correct answer before you are distracted by all of the possible answers.

Next, read the question again, and now read all of the possible answers completely. First, look for wrong answers. These are choices that jump out as glaringly incorrect. Cross these answers out in your mind so you stop considering them.

Now, read the remaining answers again. Sometimes one answer is close to correct, but another answer is a more precise choice and therefore the correct answer. Don’t lose points because you failed to read all of the answer options. Several of the answers may be correct to some degree, but only one answer is the best choice.

Most testing centers provide applicants with a small white board or piece of paper on which to scribble notes. If you are struggling with a question, write out each of the terms you see and think about the term definitions. This will help you focus on what is being asked. Key words will often be linked in your memory to the correct information. By focusing on the key words, you may find a clue that takes you directly to where the information is stored.

Read the stem and use the answers to finish the stem. Some will not seem to relate at all, and you can eliminate them from your thought process. Perhaps two will seem like they fit. Now, treat these two questions as true or false questions. This may help you find the best answer.

Action Item: If you have purchased ABMP Exam Coach, practice the strategies we discussed above every time you take a practice quiz. You can also get a feel for these strategies by exploring the ABMP Exam Coach demo.

The next ABMP Student Life newsletter will look at test anxiety and what you can do to feel calm and collected on the day you sit for the MBLEx.