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Step 8: The Test is Here!

Need some extra study help for your upcoming A&P class quiz? Ready to start studying for the national exam—the MBLEx?

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Step 8: The Test is Here!

The big day is fast approaching! Once you pass the MBLEx, you’ll be ready to apply to your state board of massage for your massage license. Here are a few things to think about in the days leading up to your testing date. By thinking ahead, you can reduce your text anxiety and ensure things flow smoothly on the day of the test.

Action Item: Plan ahead to reduce test anxiety and ensure things flow smoothly on the day of the test:

  • Find the Testing Site: After you scheduled your examination, you received a registration confirmation notice via email (or postal mail if you did not include an email address on your application). This notice confirms the date, reporting time, and location for your scheduled MBLEx. It may be helpful and also reduce your testing anxiety to drive to the testing site a few days before your scheduled test to make sure you know how to find the testing location and where to park.
  • Computer-Based Testing Practice: Go to and take the computer-based testing tutorial. The tutorial is not a practice test with content related to massage therapy. Instead, it is designed to help you familiarize yourself with a computer-based testing experience. You learn about all of the computer functions you’ll need to know during your test, such as how to enter responses, view diagrams, and scroll through pages.
  • Final Study: Study the day before the test, but don’t cram overnight and exchange last-minute study for sleep. Instead, make sure to get a full 7–8 hours of sleep so you feel rested and mentally refreshed on the day of the test.
  • Required Identification: Remember, you must bring two forms of acceptable identification to the test site. The primary identification must include a photograph and signature and must not be expired. Common forms of primary identification include a US driver’s license, a US state ID, a US passport or US Certificate of Naturalization, military ID, or an alien registration card (a green card or permanent resident visa). Note that a temporary driver’s license, a learner’s permit, or an expired driver’s license with renewal paperwork is not allowed. The secondary form of identification must include a signature and must not be expired. Common forms of secondary identification include any ID on the primary list, US social security card, a school ID, an employee ID or work badge, or a bank-issued credit or debit card.
  • Reporting Time: Plan to arrive at least 30 minutes before your reporting time. If you arrive after your scheduled reporting time, you will not be admitted to the test site and will forfeit all fees and have to begin the application process again.
  • Eat Right: Even if you normally skip breakfast or avoid eating when you are nervous, you should still make time to eat something. Your brain needs the energy from food to work well. Brain-boosting foods include proteins like eggs, nuts, yogurt, protein bars, and cottage cheese. Add some fruit like blueberries, strawberries, or bananas. Avoid heavy carbs, which can make you feel sleepy. While caffeine can make you feel more anxious, if you are used to drinking it, you will want to drink your normal amount on testing day. Bring a snack, like a protein bar, with you to the testing center in case you feel hungry or your blood sugar drops.
  • Layers: Make sure you layer your clothing so you will be comfortable regardless of the temperature at the testing center. Wear a lightweight shirt under a sweater and heavier jacket. This way, you can add or remove clothing as needed.
  • Breaks: You have two hours to complete a 100-question exam and the necessary security and confidentially agreements (approximately 10 minutes of your testing time will be needed to complete these latter items). In the event you need to take a break to run to the restroom or to eat a snack, the clock will not stop. You must take these breaks as part of the two hours allotted to your examination. In most cases, you should be able to take one break if you need it and still complete the exam on time.
  • Scores: You will receive your official score report at the test center when you finish the examination. The results will be reported as a PASS or a FAIL. The numerical-scaled scoring system ranges from 300 (the lowest score anyone can get) to 900 (the highest score anyone can get). You will not receive your numerical score.

Remember, if there is other information you need as your testing date approaches, you can likely find it in the MBLEx Candidate Handbook available at You can also call us here at ABMP and we can help you determine your next steps (800-458-2267; ask for the Education Department).

Action Item: Ace the test! We are so excited for you. This is a big step and you are almost there. We can’t wait to hear that you have passed your test and are ready to apply to your state for licensure! We’re behind you all the way!