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Quiz Me! 10 Tips to Ace the Quiz

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Use ABMP’s Quiz Prep Form to organize study sessions, capture key terms and concepts, and predict quiz questions.

Quiz Prep Form

Quiz Me! 10 Tips to Ace the Quiz

Tip #1: Post it

Use the ABMP Quiz Prep Form in the Picked Fresh section to schedule study sessions and quiz dates. Post this page of the form in a place where you will see it every day. There is nothing worse than sitting down in class to find out there is a quiz you’re not prepared for.

Tip #2: Attend classes

Every time you take notes from a lecture, participate in a class discussion, or work through activities with classmates, you are actually preparing for the next quiz. If you miss classes, you miss information, and you’ll need to study harder to make the grade.

Tip #3: Know the language

Keep a vocabulary list of key terms and concepts. Write them on flash cards and review them daily. You can’t pass a quiz if you don’t know the language.

Tip #4: Write a quiz

Review your notes, reading assignments, and key terms and concepts for a particular topic and write 20 quiz questions. By writing quiz questions, you predict what an instructor might ask on a quiz and prepare to answer questions correctly.

Tip #5: Study with classmates

Verbal processing, where you say information aloud, helps move information from short-term to long-term memory. When you study with classmates, you are more likely to talk about information, thereby improving your retention.

Tip #6: Avoid cramming

Research shows that spaced study is always better than cramming. Plan numerous study sessions of 15–30 minutes each, twice a day, at least five days before the quiz date. Use these short sessions to review your notes, practice with flash cards, learn five terms, or write yourself quiz questions. You can also utilize ABMP’s Exam Coach, an interactive web-based test prep program, to prepare for your quizzes. This app, designed to help students pass the national massage licensing exam, can also help you navigate your massage training program. Try the demo today.

Tip #7: Sleep

Research shows that concentration, memory, and motivation are significantly decreased when people get less than six hours of sleep. The night before a quiz, go to bed early to ensure your brain gets the rest it needs to support your best performance.

Tip #8: Be a little hungry and extra hydrated

Scientists at Yale Medical School found that people perform cognitive skills better when they are a little hungry (not starving) and well hydrated. Researchers believe this relates to evolution because we work smarter when our brain thinks we need food, so we can obtain it quickly. Proper hydration has long been linked to better cognitive function. So skip the heavy lunch but do drink an extra glass of water!

Tip #9: Arrive early

On quiz day, try to get to class early so you can run through your flash cards and read over your notes without feeling pressured directly before you take the quiz.

Tip #10: Bring your best attitude

Even if you missed study sessions and are not as prepared as you’d like to be, bring your best attitude. Numerous studies suggest that people who intend to do well and who feel positive about exams do better than people who feel nervous or resistant.

Download the ABMP Quiz Prep Form in the Picked Fresh section of this newsletter and use it to plan your study and consolidate your notes.