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Tips for Homework Completion

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Tips for Homework Completion

Learning to stay on top of homework in massage school is a challenge, even for conscientious students. Here are some basic strategies for homework completion you can start today.

Attend Classes

If you attend classes, take notes in classes, listen carefully, and participate fully, you’re more likely to stay on top of homework deadlines and to achieve higher scores on quizzes and exams with less outside study.

Plan Around Deadlines

Use ABMP’s Assignment Calendar and Homework Tracker—available in the Picked Fresh section of this newsletter—to plan around homework deadlines. Fill out a homework tracker at the beginning of each month when you do your time-management planning. List the class in the first column and briefly describe the assignment. List the due date and write yourself a note about important aspects of the assignment, including the point value. Place assignments into the Homework Tracker in the order they are due. As each homework assignment is completed, check it off the list. When possible, work ahead to get a jump on homework, but complete tasks in the order in which they are due.

Know Your Grade

It is also helpful to fill out a Grade Tracking Form—available in the Picked Fresh section of this newsletter—for each class. This way you know how many points you need for an A, B, C, D, or to pass the class. At any time during the term, you can add up all the points that are possible up to that point, and all the points you have received so far to determine your current letter grade and the points needed for the desired grade. Each school may grade on a slightly different system and students should confirm with the instructor or school administrator how points are tabulated to determine grades. The Grade Tracking Form also helps you prioritize the most important homework based on points. If a homework assignment has a high-point value, turn it in on time!

Do Presentations First

Sometimes schools have students present to classmates. For example, you might be asked to present on a pathology, or a specific massage system or modality. If a presentation is required, get on the schedule to present early. First, you get the presentation (which can be stressful) out of the way, and second, research shows that early presenters tend to receive better grades from instructors.

Make It Up

Sometimes you may not be able to complete a homework assignment on time. Discuss this with your instructor and negotiate the best possible outcome. Instructors will sometimes make allowances when an otherwise hard-working student experiences a setback and needs some flexibility to stay on track.

Take Exams—Even When You Don’t Feel Prepared

Sometimes students skip classes when they know they are not prepared for a quiz or exam. Instead, attend the class and do your best. Even if only half of the available points are earned, these points will be added to the cumulative grade and will help with the overall class score. Even a few points are better than none when the final grades are tabulated.

Get a Homework Buddy

Ask a classmate to be your homework buddy and plan weekly study sessions to work on homework completion. Two brains are better than one when working your way through homework assignments!