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How Motivated Are You?

Feeling tired and wanting to get back into your zone? Try these motivation boosters and Take 5!

Motivation Boosters

Take the ABMP Motivation Assessment Quiz to see how you rank. Then try a demo of ABMP’s Exam Coach to see how this test prep program can provide you with the motivation and extra support you need to prepare for your massage licensing examination.

Motivation Assessment

How Motivated Are You?

What makes you jump out of bed in the morning, eager for the day? What types of projects get you excited? How do you keep yourself productive? What motivates you?

Students are motivated to go to school for a number of reasons. Some don’t like their current career. Some want to provide a better life for their families. Some want to live at a certain income level or long for success in a career they find exciting. No matter what the reason, motivation prompted you to start school; further motivation will be necessary to complete school.

Motivation rarely comes from the outside. In fact, friends, family members, bosses, and partners can inadvertently pull you away from school and school activities. As a student, there is no one pushing you toward your school goals; you have to generate and maintain that energy for yourself. Your choices are yours, your time is yours, and the potential benefits and consequences are also yours.

Complete the Motivation Assessment Quiz provided in the Picked Fresh section of this newsletter and try to be as honest as possible. If you find you answer with “disagree” or “strongly disagree” often, you are probably lacking motivation. Think hard about how your new career in massage therapy will improve your life, and then think about cultivating the behaviors suggested by the questions on the assessment.

Everyone can build motivation simply through self-awareness and through the use of goal-setting exercises.