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Time Management for Busy Students

Time Management for Busy Students

  • Use ABMP Time Management forms to write monthly, weekly, and daily schedules. Download forms in the Picked Fresh section.
  • Study difficult (or boring) subjects first, when you feel most alert and able to cope with challenges.
  • Set 30-minute study goals and use a timer to keep you focused. Work on one task until the timer goes off—then give yourself a break.
  • Use your course syllabi to fill in every assignment or deadline due for the entire term on an ABMP Assignment Calendar. Make multiple copies and post them where you will see them often.
  • There are 168 hours in a week, and 56 of them should be dedicated to sleep.
  • Take flash cards with you everywhere. When you’re standing in line at the grocery store—study your cards. When you’re filling up the car with gas—study your cards.
  • Use ABMP’s Time Tracker Form to determine where all your hours go. Then, organize your schedule to use time more efficiently in the future.
  • Record instructor lectures using an app on your smartphone or tablet. Listen to them while driving, or in other down time, to effectively multitask.
  • Minimize distractions while studying. Turn the phone to silent, and log out of social media!
  • Treat study hours as an appointment.
  • Plan at least 1–2 hours of study per night to keep up with homework and prepare for exams.
  • Make a daily to-do list and don’t allow yourself to procrastinate.
  • Let go of perfectionism. Shoot for good scores and good life-school balance instead of perfect grades.
  • Schedule EVERYTHING. Schedule class time, work time, study time, drive time, family time, social time, and down time. Follow the schedule!
  • Only study with classmates who are on-task and studious. You don’t have time to mess around during study sessions.