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Ep 395 - Dengue Fever:"I Have a Client Who . . ."Pathology Conversations with Ruth Werner

Image of a mosquito on a persons hand.

Tucked away during rainy season in a tropical paradise, a mosquito-borne virus runs rampant. What does Dengue fever mean for massage—how does it spread, what does it do, how is it treated and what are the risks? Listen in to learn. Then get the bug spray.


Pocket Pathology: /abmp-pocket-pathology-app

CDC (2023) Dengue Clinical Presentation | CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Available at: (Accessed: 29 October 2023).

Dengue and severe dengue (no date b). Available at: (Accessed: 29 October 2023).

‘Dengue: Practice Essentials, Background, Pathophysiology’ (2023a). Available at: (Accessed: 29 October 2023).

‘Etymologia: dengue’ (2006) Emerging Infectious Diseases, 12(6), p. 893. Available at:

Saeed, O. and Asif, A. (2020) ‘Chapter 2 - Dengue virus disease; the origins’, in A.I. Qureshi and O. Saeed (eds) Dengue Virus Disease. Academic Press, pp. 9–16. Available at:

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Author Bio

Ruth Werner is a former massage therapist, a writer, and an NCBTMB-approved continuing education provider. She wrote A Massage Therapist’s Guide to Pathology, now in its seventh edition, which is used in massage schools worldwide. Werner is also a long-time Massage & Bodywork columnist, most notably of the Pathology Perspectives column. Werner is also ABMP’s partner on Pocket Pathology, a web-based app and quick reference program that puts key information for nearly 200 common pathologies at your fingertips. Werner’s books are available at And more information about her is available at