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ABMP Podcasts for Massage Therapists & Bodyworkers

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Exploring the issues and challenges unique to the massage and bodywork community.

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What is a migraine? What is cortical spreading depression? What is trigeminovascular system activation? And what does it mean when this causes temporary one-sided paralysis?

And most of all: What if it’s not a migraine—what if it’s a stroke? Migraines generate more questions than answers, but this episode will help sort out some of the basic factors.

Rob Libbey's years of studying and practicing bodywork came to a screeching halt when he suffered multiple bone fractures to the chest from a car accident. But Rob turned his misfortune into an inside look at what exactly is happening with ligamentous pain patterns and recovery. His book, Ligamentous Pain Referral Patterns, and his classes on Ligamentous Articular Strain Techniques are proof in the pudding. 

Cultivating sensitivity and trust is essential to keeping clients safe—especially as we are aware that many women and men have experienced physical or sexual trauma. In this episode, Dr. Ben Benjamin discusses how to avoid violating client boundaries and whether maintaining boundaries is a shared responsibility between client and therapist.

A client can’t find a massage therapist, because they have a condition that no one knows how to work with: Chiari malformation. One patient describes it as, “My brain is too big for my head.” But is massage really off the table for people with Chiari malformation? Probably not! Listen in for more on what this condition means, and how to figure out where our work fits.

In this episode of The ABMP Podcast, Kristin speaks with Gil Hedley about his philosophy around integral anatomy, the different layers of fascia, why fascia responds better to a gentle approach, and how working in the dissection lab helped him to appreciate, explore, and embody the wonders of the human form.

In this follow-up to last week’s episode on bowel resections and colostomies, Ruth has a chat with massage therapist Marie Ruxton, who shares her story of abdominal surgery and the remarkable experience she had with bodywork while she was recovering. We could all wish to receive touch with such sensitivity and skill.

The relationship between the sternocleidomastoid and the upper traps is a lot more complicated than you think. Between the up and down, yes and no, and round and round decisions we all make every day, the balancing act of these two muscles can be like a seesaw that has definitely seen better days. Join Allison as she expands the posterior triangle of the neck and offers some insights to bring a little balance back. 

Surveys are showing a “COVID bump”—are you seeing the same in your practice? Lisa Starr, collaborator with Mindbody and principal of Wynne Business Consulting and Education, discusses data findings of the 2022 Mindbody Wellness Index, consumer sentiment toward wellness services right now, and trends massage therapists should consider in their practice.

An older client has a complicated set of surgeries on her colon. Is it safe to receive massage? It depends, of course. But what does it depend on? Join us for this discussion of bowel resections, colostomies, and colostomy repairs—and find out one of Ruth’s very favorite pathology-related words. (Hint: it means “poop stone.”) Plus, there’s a really bad pun.

Can you be a leader and a healer at the same time? In this episode of The ABMP Podcast, Darren sits down with courage-builder and collaborative change-maker Amy Andrews McMaster to discuss the Great Resignation—or better put, the Great Realignment—the characteristics of a leader, the saboteurs that get in the way of our success, and frameworks for navigating your call to courage.

A client has nutcracker syndrome, and she is not a good candidate for surgical correction. She wants massage to help deal with her symptoms. But nutcracker syndrome is a kidney problem with a risk of thrombosis and renal damage. Yikes, can massage be safe? As always, it depends. Listen in to see what it depends on

Art Riggs stumbled into a career that happened to be perfect for him. After pivoting later in life and discovering the world of bodywork and massage, Art studied with the best and soon became a legend. But his humility and his love of people are what make him most fascinating.