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December Update: New Economic Relief Efforts Passed by US Government

One hundred dollar bill with a surgical mask over Benjamin Franklin's face

On December 21 the United States Congress passed an omnibus bill providing funding for most government agencies. Included in the bipartisan legislation was $900 billion of emergency economic relief to address further damage caused by impacts of COVID-19. It is expected that President Trump will sign the bill soon.

Massage School Student Clinics and COVID-19

ABMP connected with epidemiologist Tessa Crume, an associate professor in the Epidemiology Department at the Colorado School of Health at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, to get her expert advice on this question: Should I open my school’s student clinic or only allow students to work on each other?

Risky Business: From Daily Practice to COVID-19

As massage therapists, we never want to come from a place of fear, but a little healthy fear can really help us when it comes to considering risk. MTs are thinking a lot about risk these days. Risk of working or not, and, of course, the risks within a range of client presentations.

COVID-Related Coagulopathy, Take 3: A Conversation with a Hematologist

Illustration of red blood cells clotting together inside the human body

Pathology educator and author Ruth Werner recently had a conversation with Yaser Diab, MD, a hematologist working at Children’s National Hospital in Washington, DC, about abnormal coagulation associated with COVID-19 and how massage therapy might fit in the context of COVID-19 survivors and coagulopathy. Read the notes from their conversation here.

Getting Used to Working in Masks

Young woman putting on a disposable surgical face mask

Cal Cates and Kerry Jordan from Healwell provide an overview of what it’s like for massage therapists working in masks, from which masks to use to concerns about breathing. 

I May Have Been Exposed to COVID-19. Now What?

ABMP connected with epidemiologist Tessa Crume, PhD, an associate professor in the Epidemiology Department at the Colorado School of Health at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, to get her expert advice on this member’s question.