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2022 ABMP CE Summit Course: Updating our Hands-On Approach

Learn about the properties of fascia and hands-on techniques for working with fascia in the leg. Join Til Luchau and Whitney Lowe for this engaging course that explores the composition and roles of fascia and collagen and demonstrates several myofascial hands-on techniques focused on the fascia in the leg and the sartorius, gracilis, semitendinosus, and pes anserinus muscles.

2022 ABMP CE Summit Course: Fascia Fundamentals

With fascia finding its way into the limelight in research, therapy, and popular health and fitness culture, it can be challenging to know exactly what to think about it, but fascia is definitely more than the latest shiny, new thing. Join Rachelle Clauson and David Lesondak as they reveal the many faces of fascia and replace fad with fact.

Learners' Five Favorite ABMP CE Courses of 2021

ABMP members enhanced their skills and knowledge by taking advantage of the outstanding online education and CE that comes free with membership: the library of courses in the ABMP Education Center, the ABMP CE Socials events, and the ABMP CE Summit online conference.