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Podcast: Standard of Care, Scope of Practice

In this episode of The ABMP Podcast, Kristin and Darren speak with Ruth Werner about massage therapists’ inclinations to get a doctor’s permission before treatment.

PODCAST: Pediatric Touch Therapy with Tina Allen

In this episode of The ABMP Podcast, Kristin and Darren speak with Tina Allen, founder of Liddle Kidz Foundation, about the differences between infant and pediatric massage and other topics.

PODCAST: The Significance of Motor Points

In this episode of The ABMP Podcast, Kristin and Darren speak with Mary Kathleen Rose about the difference between motor points and tonic points, how deep a motor point is, what a point should feel like for both the practitioner and client, and why proper communication to the client during a session is important.

PODCAST: Agent Orange:"I Have a Client Who . . ."

A client’s parent is a veteran of the Vietnam War, and the client has been left with the aftermath of the genetic damage caused by one of the deadliest toxins known: TCDD dioxin. She has spina bifida, a well-recognized consequence of parental Agent Orange (AO) exposure, and a slew of other physical and emotional challenges.

What is Agent Orange, and how did this happen?

And is there any way our work can help?

PODCAST: Looking Backward, But Moving Forward

What a year for The ABMP Podcast. We have been so lucky to speak with leading health-care professionals, best-selling authors, and amazing members of the massage and bodywork community. Hosts Darren and Kristin wanted to share with you some of the episodes that made an impact on them this year, and to highlight some things to come in the new year.