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Make Gratitude Part of Your Daily Life

Man Giving Thanks to Nature.

While this is the time of year that #gratitude starts trending, living a grateful life is not something to wrap up in a day, a week, a month . . . or a hashtag. We need to honor it all from an open heart.

Upledger CranioSacral Therapy Can Help with PTSD

Upledger Craniosacral Therapy.

CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, hands-on treatment modality that releases tensions deep in the body to relieve pain and dysfunction and improve whole-body health and performance.

PNMT Emphasis on Problem-Solving Process

PNMT focuses on problem solving.

Precision Neuromuscular Therapy is committed to providing excellent education, training, and resources so that its students will thrive in today’s competitive world. 

3 Simple Steps Massage Therapists Can Use to Improve Their Financial IQ

Massage Therapists can Improve Their Finances.

Anyone else stroll into running a massage business with little to no business skills and no financial acumen? Just me? Nah, it’s not just me. Many of us do exactly that, figuring out what it takes to run a successful business as we go and learning (hopefully) from each mistake.