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Blog Posts

We Will Touch Again—Post COVID-19

Tranquil and inviting spa setting with soft lighting and a massage table

As massage therapists, we miss our clients, which causes us to anxiously ask, “How can I be of service if I can’t touch?” And, of course, “When will it all go back to normal?” The short answer? It won’t, actually.

How to Heal Through COVID-19

Stone Buddha statue holding dried flowers in its lap

As new information about COVID-19 emerges, we are swimming through an accelerated climate of fight-or-flight and crisis consciousness. We are reframing this unusual time through the lens of what we call “Healing through COVID-19,” using calmness, openness, vigilance, intelligence, and dedication.

COVID-19 and Massage Therapy

Construction traffic sign displaying "Stay Home"

In the past couple of months, COVID-19, popularly referred to as coronavirus, has been the main focus of the news media. It’s not the first pandemic in the world, but it may be the first in our lifetime that has had such a widespread effect on our own soil, and on massage therapists.

What Will It Look Like When We Go Back To Work?

Man turning over Open sign in the window of his business

Hello my friends. I hope you’re on hiatus, and I hope you and your family are healthy. I hope you’ve been safe at home, enjoying your loved ones, doing your taxes, getting your inboxes down to zero, and reassessing your work situation as you contemplate what comes next—all while doing your bit to flatten the curve.

The Truth About COVID-19

N95 surgical/dust mask on pink and purple background

See what I just did there? Can I ask readers to take a moment and consider what their internal reaction was to that headline?


One hundred dollar bill with a surgical mask over Benjamin Franklin's face

On March 27, Congress completed its approval of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, a $2.2 trillion deal to provide economic relief to those most affected by COVID-19, and the President signed the bill into law. Read more about how the act could affect you.

FAQs for Massages During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Can I or should I work? - On March 16, 2020, ABMP issued a statement strongly encouraging all massage and bodywork practitioners to suspend practice, as social distancing is not feasible in massage...

Adverse Events in Massage Therapy: Collected Case Reports

In the May/June 2020 issue of Massage & Bodywork, Ruth Werner writes about endangerment sites and the risk of adverse events in massage therapy.

Here is a continued resource list of additional case reports detailing adverse effects in massage therapy.

How to Prepare for a Recession

File folder with COVID-19 label

To say we’re in uncertain times is the understatement of the decade. To me, it feels like weird, slow-moving chaos. This pandemic is unlike anything we have ever experienced, and many of us are feeling untethered and shocked.