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Blog Posts

What is Healwell?

In the November/December 2019 issue of Massage & Bodywork, authors Lauren Cates and Kerry Jordan of Healwell share what they’ve learned over the past 10 years integrating massage therapy into care for pediatric complex needs patients. So, what is Healwell?

Massage and Wellness: Birds of a Feather

Two women on the floor forming a W with their bodies by putting their feet and arms up in the air

As a bodywork professional, you know how important massage is to overall health and wellness. Having the ability to help and heal others is likely why you entered the profession in the first place. So, you probably cringe when massage is pigeon-holed as a luxurious way to relax because you know it’s so much more than that.

Product Spotlight: Lacuna Botanicals

Lacuna Botanicals took an early pioneering step in 2015 with the first purpose-built luxury spa product line to use CBD. Read more about their story in this Q&A blog with CEO Chris Diaz.

Goodbye Harold

Watsu creator Harold Dull in the pool

Harold Dull, the creator of Watsu, died peacefully in his sleep on July 31, 2019, at his home in Berkley, California. A simple Tibetan ceremony was held to honor Harold; additional plans include a memorial spreading of his ashes in 2020.

How Many Massage Therapists Are There in the US?

Illustration of diverse hands raised with a heart on each palm

Every few years ABMP undertakes a process to query state massage therapy boards in order to prepare a massage therapist population estimate. Our 2019 effort puts the number of massage therapists in the United States at approximately 334,219, a 1.6 percent growth rate from 2016’s estimate of 328,799.

Can"Mary"Help Your Practice?

“Mary” is female, in her 40s, has a master’s degree, and she and her spouse make more than $75,000 annually combined. Chances are Mary is a bodywork client.