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How Can You Learn More About Reflexology?

The November/December 2018 issue of Massage & Bodywork featured an article on reflexology, a bodywork modality that works with the body’s energy flow to stimulate self-healing and maintain balance in physical function. To provide readers with more information on this modality and where therapists can receive training in reflexology, the three leading reflexology associations in the US graciously provided ABMP with the following article.

ExpectMore, With Les: For Hire—Times 38,000

I recently returned from the 2018 ISPA Conference & Expo in Phoenix, where I got the chance to talk about, and advocate on behalf of, our amazing members. My session was called “Recruiting, Hiring, and Supporting Massage Therapists,” and I can tell you there are plenty of people out there looking to do the first two of those three things. One statistic I heard at the conference is that there are an estimated 38,000 open jobs for massage therapists in the spa industry.

5 Common Misconceptions About Online Scheduling

Since 2012, Schedulista has been helping business owners get started with online scheduling. We’ve spoken to a lot of business owners over the years, and we’ve noticed some common misconceptions we hear from people who have never used online scheduling.

Complex Carbs for Improving Brain Glucose

Research shows that low brain glucose can lead to poor decision making. In 2011, researchers tracking an Israeli parole board found that parole granting fluctuated wildly depending on the time of day.