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Arkansas LMTs Appointed Mandated Reporters


Arkansas massage therapists must now report any suspected child maltreatment, abuse, or death in accordance with House Bill 1729, which was adopted this legislative session and amends the list of professionals who are appointed as “mandated reporters” under the Child Maltreatment Act.

What Does This Law Require Me to Do?
As of April 10, 2023, Arkansas licensed massage therapists became mandated reporters and must immediately notify the Child Abuse Hotline (1-800-482-5964) if they have reasonable cause to suspect a child has:

  • Been subject to child maltreatment.
  • Been subject to conditions or circumstances that would likely result in child maltreatment.
  • Died as a result of child maltreatment.
  • Died suddenly and unexpectedly.

A mandated reporter who knowingly or recklessly fails to notify the Child Abuse Hotline of child maltreatment or suspected child maltreatment commits a Class A or Class C misdemeanor. Learn more about mandated reporters and the responsibility they have to safeguard children here.
