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Governor Schwarzenegger to Consider AB 1822


For the last few months AB 1822 has been making its way through the legislative process. In its original form, the bill would have significantly gutted the authority of the California Massage Therapy Council (CAMTC) and the certification process enacted under SB 731 (Oropeza) in 2008. In its current form, the bill would provide both the California Police Chiefs Association and the California State Sheriffs’ Association with the ability to appoint a person to the CAMTC board of directors. The bill has passed the General Assembly. The governor must sign or veto legislation within 12 days or it becomes law without his signature.

ABMP remains opposed to the bill (for reasons spelled out in ABMP’s Request for Veto) and has asked Governor Schwarzenegger to veto it. Other regulatory boards in California include members from the profession and the public. The inclusion of law enforcement organization appointees on a professional board is unprecedented and punitive.

Read ABMP’s Request for Veto
