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Communication with Neurodivergent Clients

Communicating with Neurodivergent Clients

With 15–20 percent of the world’s population exhibiting some aspect of neurodivergence, it’s likely that many of the clients currently on your appointment schedule fall in this group.

Faces of Bodywork: Davonna Willis

Davonna Wills Faces of Bodywork

Davonna Willis is the owner of 4 Nineteen Education & Training. She was recently featured in "Faces of Bodywork" in the May/June 2023 issue of Massage & Bodywork magazine.

Benefits of Being a Massage Therapist

Love Being a Massage Therapist

Taking inspiration from a recent ABMP Facebook thread on the subject, freelance writer and LMT Cindy Williams put together a list of her top eight things she loves about being a massage therapist.