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Rolfing Structural Integration and the Aging Body

Age and the Structural Body.

Rolfers work to support and change the vertical collapse in the human structure. Rolfing structural integration—a systematic process of fascial manipulation—always looks at how we inhabit our environment.

Faces of Bodywork: Lee Hodges

Massage and Bodywork Faces of Bodywork Lee Hodges.

Lee Hodges, 83, was featured in “Faces of Bodywork” in the March/April 2023 issue of Massage & Bodywork magazine. Learn more about her love for massage therapy and how she keeps going and going.

What's New for Massage Therapists for Tax Year 2022?

Tax Tips for Massage Therapists 2022.

Although we haven’t totally divorced ourselves from COVID-19, and life isn’t exactly the way it was pre-pandemic (personally or professionally), the IRS feels it’s safe to remove its pandemic-induced financial safety nets. So, what does this mean for you when filing your 2022 taxes?