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Government Relations

Montana Standardizes Licensing Board Organization

The Montana legislature adopted House Bill 87, which creates one general law for all licensing boards to follow to unify board standards. The bill explains a board’s function and outlines appointment terms and qualifications, board meetings, and member compensation.

Texas Doubles Down on Massage Establishment Regulation

The Texas legislature adopted House Bill 3579, creating massage establishment emergency suspension orders and allowing for restrictive massage establishment regulations if a business meets specific criteria.

Use Your Voice to Advocate for Minnesota Massage Therapy Licensure

Minnesota is one of only five states to remain unlicensed, even though it is a critical effort for the industry. Please join ABMP to increase massage therapy standards, to implement enhanced public protection, and to encourage progress in the industry. Find out how you can advocate for licensure!

Washington Proposes Health Equity Rules

The Washington Board of Massage and Department of Health (Department) have proposed two new rules related to health equity that affect continuing education and initial training requirements. You can share your thoughts on the rules with the Department by July 7.

Nevada Adopts Massage Compact

Nevada becomes the first state to adopt the Massage Compact to simplify interstate massage therapy practice and regulation.